Monday, September 19, 2016

Sharing our learning 'Art for Art Sake'

During term 3 we have jumped into investigating the Arts. There have been some amazing outcomes and experiences

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Welcome to 2016

Mihinui kia koutou

Welcome to 2016 at Marina View School. 

During the holidays I was fortunate to spend some time on the Coromandel Peninsula. Having time to relax at a beach and enjoy native birds interacting in the bush reminded me just how lucky we are in this beautiful country of ours.

Welcome back everyone and a warm welcome to new families and students to Marina View. It is great to have you as part of our community.

We are planning a year full of challenge, growth and enjoyment for our students.

During the first term learning is focused around the concept of Hauora / Wellbeing. Our students will be investigating ways to promote healthy living, successful learning and positive communities.

The five ways to wellbeing: connect, give, take notice, keep learning and be active.

Later in the term a number of classes will be involved in Camps and Activity weeks, where they will undertake a range or personal challenges and further develop their skills of team work . It will be a great experience for them and something they will remember for a long time.